I’m Claudia, also known as Lia, and I am a graduate from Emerson College with a Bachelor’s in Publishing and a double minor in Marketing Communications and Public Relations. I found my passion for publishing as a child when I discovered my love for reading. From that love stemmed my love for writing and becoming an author. However, when I got to Emerson College, I took my first book publishing class in Spring 2022 and fell in love with the design process and overall art direction that book design takes.

My love for book design has transferred into work that I do for social media marketing. I have been so fortunate to produce works for my college’s esports organization, literary magazines, and student films. I love creating fun graphics that are pleasing to the eye and engaging.

In my free time, I create book-related content on TikTok, which you can read more about here; watch Formula 1; play competitive MOBA and FPS games; stream on Twitch; dabble in photography; and read contemporary romance and fantasy novels.