
Golden Typeset

Golden is a worked of fiction created by myself in Spring 2021 during my second semester at Emerson College. For class, I was tasked with typesetting 30 pages of a free work online or my own personal work, so I chose to use my own work.

Since the original manuscript was not finished at the time that this project was being completed, I used a sample of what was written. Since then, the manuscript has undergone editing and is different than the presented typeset.

This was my first project typesetting in a book format and I learned a lot about InDesign that semester. It was a fun experience learning tips and tricks to make my work look as beautiful as I envisioned it.

You can access the typeset: here.

Breath Mints / Battle Scars Typeset

Breath Mints / Battle Scars is a work published by the user Onyx_and_Elm on the website Archive of Our Own. It is a fanfiction that follows the Harry Potter characters Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy. For class, I was tasked over the course of a semester to typeset 150 pages of a free work online or my own personal work.

Because this was a free work online but was not permitted for an outside printing press to profit, I took it upon myself to bind the work into a physical book myself. I learned out to bookbind through YouTube videos and practiced on a typeset that I printed out online. The overall process took about three weeks to learn and practice. The final binding process itself took about 96 hours of work over the span of two weeks.

I made the choice to bind the book myself out of respect to the writer and the fanfiction community. Overall, this project was more taxing for me over my classmates, but I learned a valuable skill that I intend to put to use.

You can access the typeset: here.

Recipes of My Life Typeset

Recipes of My Life is a non-existing cookbook that I created for an assignment in my marketing design class. It is a compilation of my favorite recipes across a range of different cuisines.

This is the first typeset that I have created that was not for a novel. It was a new experience that I quite enjoyed, as cookbooks are very different from your average novel. I utilized a different software in creating this typeset to try out how my skills transferred over to Canva.

I had a lot of fun creating it and my classmates seemed to enjoy it as well.

You can access the typeset: here.