Class Assignments

This page is home to all the graphics and videos that were assignments that I was required to do in different classes.

RTC Swiss Made Ski

In my introductory course for marketing, we were assigned with a group project to market RTC skis in a promotion campaign in Aspen, Colorado.

The video on the right is an example of a short video ad that would pop up on TikTok. The graphic on the bottom left is an example of an Instagram ad and the graphic on the bottom right is an example of a Facebook ad.


In my Understanding Consumers course for my Marketing Communications Minor, my group was tasked with researching a subculture and finding a brand to advertise to them. My group researched the raving subculture and chose to advertise the brand Eargasm.

The graphic on the right features the earplugs in an advertisement that is very simple. The video on the bottom left features the tagline we curated, “Lower your volume, immerse into your world” with the earplugs being used. The idea is that it showcases how the user can become immersed in the music when using Eargasm. The video on the bottom right is a sample of UGC (user generated content). It showcases the user saying that it is too loud, but when they put in their Eargasm earplugs, they don’t have to worry about their ears ringing after the show and can head bang the night away.

If my life were a book to film adaptation….

As an assignment, we were supposed to make a book cover and a movie poster. The theme was “If my life were a book that was adapted to film” and I made mine a center around a heartwarming story of two sisters and their struggles growing up Asian American in a society where everything felt like it was against them. The Ly sisters go through love, loss, and and life, in their small town where everything, and everyone is connected everywhere.

Printed Poster

The assignment was to create a poster for an event, exhibit, or cause that we cared about. I chose to advertise an exhibit I went to at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco, California. I created three versions and my classmates voted the center poster as the best of the three.